22 February 2007

Don't Throw This Away!

A couple weeks ago I bought a new book. Don't Throw This Away: The Civil Engineering Life by Brian Brenner, PE. The book is a collection of humorous essays by the author. Most have to do with a civil engineer working and living in today's world.

One chapter is called, Acronyms and the Explosion of Useless Data (AEUD) was exceptionally funny. Here is one story from it.

A female colleague developed a complex computer system; she called it, Parameter Estimation Model Updating System.

My Colleague: We are here to discuss the Parameter Estimation Model Updating System.

Professor A: Thank you for inviting us here for this discussion. We have evaluated our Parameter Estimation Model Updating System and it seems to be dong a good job.Many people are satisfied with your Parameter Estimation Model Updating System.

My Colleague: This is good to know. I am pleased that people are satisfied.

Professor B: Yes, it seems to be quite effective. is it a large system?

My Colleague: Yes, my Parameter Estimation Model Updating System is quite large.

Professor A: That's interesting, because some studies have indicated that size does, in fact matter, for a Parameter Estimation Model Updating System.

Professor B: Although there has been significant discussion in the field that the system's size is not necessarily as important as its method of application.

Professor A: Yes, I agree with professor B.

My Colleague: I would think that a system's size is not important as long as it gets the job done.

Professor A: An excellent point! Efficacy matters more than size. But even so, do you have plans for growth of your Parameter Estimation Model Updating System?

My Colleague: Yes, I plan to add several new features to the system.

Professor A: Can the Parameter Estimation Model Updating System do a good job at evaluating structural member stiffness?

My Colleague: Yes, estimation of moment of inertia is a key feature of the system.

Professor B: So, you have a robust Parameter Estimation Model Updating System?

Professor A: A system that is poised for growth and will function better in the future?

My Colleague: (perhaps a little perplexed by now at the discussion) Yes, one could say that.
The name of the computer system has now been changed.

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