21 December 2007


Well, I owe someone an ode to cobloggeration ;)

1 comment:

Arnold said...

Nice to see some good old fashioned cobloggeration. Congratulations on getting the chimpanzee.

As a biologist (though formally trained at the chemical level so not as cool as my archrivals, the "zoologists"), I am compelled to share some Chimpanzee facts:

1. Chimpanzees are NOT monkeys. They are apes. The difference relies on many physical characteristics, the most obvious of which is lack of tails in apes but various differences in skeletal structure being one of the more important. And monkeys are more oriented towards quadropedalism like dogs or cats.

2. Chimps are mean bastards. They raid other troops, are led by dominant males that beat on their women, and murder rival offspring. However, Pat in my experience is largely a nice guy:-).

3. Chimps share something like 98.4% of their genetic code with us, so congratulations, your daemon is the closest to actually being a human. As a spider, my daemon is WAY WAY WAY off our evolutionary branch.