16 February 2008

Recipe for a Great Saturday

  1. Get up at 5AM.
  2. Coffee Up and Shower.
  3. Head to RC.
  4. Dunn Brothers Irish Cream Latte
  5. Breakfast and coffee with Cutler and Julia at IHOP.
  6. Few minor errands, Phoenix To Go, head back to Pierre (one last coffee from Dunn Brothers).
  7. Scrumptious General Tsao's Chicken for supper.
  8. Judd Hoos show at the Longbranch (downtown Pierre).
  9. Back home at 1:30AM (technically Sunday).
  10. Send email about recipe for a great Saturday ;)
  11. Realize there are still two days left in this three day weekend! Oh wait, none of you are privileged government employees ;)

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