Below aare a pics of a couple of the bands that performed there, first from Dublin (well except the one on the far left, she hails from Galway) is Accabella.

Before we left Sioux Falls, we decided to try out our bounty hunter skills and search for the another friend from college that we have had little communication with since he graduated: the infamous BVL! By overcoming dyslexia (we address reversed the address), we managed to find where he was making his lair. I didn't manage to get any photographic proof of our encounter, but I have found (thanks to google) a pic from when he was in high scholl (apparently). I circled him in red.

After all this excitement I elected not to conmtinue driving back to Pierre past Mitchell and crashed on a rather comfortable couch.
I also upgraded the surface that holds my monitor, keyboard, and mouse... from a $30 folding table to a rather nice desk from Office Max:

Uh oh, furniture. Combined with a Civil Engineering degree, that's the first sign of the beginning of the descent into the new Dark Ages.
You found BVL?
I'm not lysdexic. No, really, I'm not.
Wow, that pic is ancient. The guy on the far right is the Nick of Subway fame. Can't recall the other two, though they look so familiar.
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