Well, I have mentioned kayaking before but I have not been kayaking since I started this blog (actually dates back to June 2005)... that is until today! After work I loaded my parents' kayak onto their stationwagon for the trek down to the river.

I love kayaking. I can't even think of anything specific about it that I especially like... I just love everything to do with it! Well on tonight's journey, I had a great navigator along with me. His sight may be questionable now, but he can still out navigate any jetskier this side of the Oahe Dam (LOL)!

Actually, this was just a "break-in" cruise to get back into the kayaking frame of mind (which tends to revolve around a "Jetskies Suck" philosophy) We... er I just paddled down to the infamous (or not) Dump Island of Pierre, SD (center of the above pic). It is no longer a dump, but apparently LONG AGO it was or something to that extent ;)
1 comment:
Arrggghh, laddie. Ye be hearin' the tale of Dump Island? No? Gather 'round, as I relate to ye the dark story of Dump Island, and th' diseased spirits wot dwell thereabouts...Long ago two lads, went by the names of Patrick and Arnold, a'sailed to shore on a black day in August, and therein, saw they something shiny and sparklin' within th' deep woods, and came they upon it, and LO--Twas the zombie of an America On-Line CD!!! Cast away by its recipient, who so coldly rejected th' offer of the free software despite the clear message concerning the fact that there never was a better time to join, the undead CD Zombie hungered for human flesh! Luckily, Patrick and Arnold, them lads be the greatest sea dawgs that e're sailed the Missouri, and steeped were they in the age'd lore of those waters. They knew that the AOL spectre could be vanquished by the invocation of the words wot would summon the great FIREFOX from the skies! And so it came to pass, that Firefox destroyed the revenant AOL CD, reducing the world-stalking form of the beleaguered spirit to ashes and sending its foul presence back into the void from whence it came. And e'ery word be true. Arrgghhh why is the rum always gone? Oh, right...
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