26 August 2006

PotM Cruise

Well, I just got a waterproof case for my camera so I don't have to be paranoid and overprotective when I take it out kayaking anymore! I also took out the seadog today so I included some pics of him.

Well, there is this large sandbar that the Discovery Center calls Discovery Island, well the PotM have laid claim to it!How festive! A Christmas tree in August!
Here we are approaching Discovery Island from the opposite side than before and lo and behold we come across a duck. Well, the seadog was very upset at this blatant trespassing...

But the duck vacated before we even hit the shore! Whew, alwasy nice when you can scare your "targets" into submission instead of spilling blood ;)

And here we are scaring off three more ducks that were swimming in the shallows around Discovery Island.

What a day, I am beat... time for a rest:

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