06 August 2006

PotM Recruitment

Another weekend, another successful tour along the shores of Pierre, SD. My loyal navigator and I put fear into the hearts of waterfowl, fish, beachgoers, and jetskiers alike. But it is not an easy task. And we can only cover so much territory in a weekend... So I am pleased to announce that I am shanghaiing the Daring into THE PIRATES OF THE MISSOURI!

This new influx of crew members will be able to cover most major "ports" (and the official one) in SD. We are also lucky enough to have a buccaneer of great navigation ability down in the Kansas City area. This will allow THE REAL SEADOG to spend more time assaulting vessels and ports.

1 comment:

Andy said...

All right! I've never been shanghaied before. And I've already managed to attain the status of buccaneer!