27 February 2006

Fun = Adrenaline Rush

Thanks to a recent Nissan commercial (I am thanking a car commercial?!), I have discovered what is missing in my life. As my friends may or may not realize, I enjoy activites that give me an adrenaline rush. For example, I enjoy mountain biking, kayaking, running, and hiking. I have also been rock climbing, whitewater rafting, and backpacking on multple occasions.

On to an activity that combines kayaking, rappelling, and faith in god into one!

Pretty Lanscape:


Go Time:
Did I peak your interest? If your response is "Hell Yeah" then you might be interested in this video clip of the whole thing.


Arnold said...

What kind of crazy person would possibly want to jump off a high precipice into the water while kayaking like that one time? [wink] By the way, we need to see you do a re-enactment in your next blog entry.

Andy said...

It would be even better if you could work a Wendigo attack into the mix. That would be decent motivation for why someone would jump off a high precipice into the water with a kayak.

Patrick Wellner said...

why would someone need motivation, beyond an adrenaline rush, to kayak off a high precipice into the water? Looks fun. Even though a wendigo would fit into the mix well...