13 April 2006

13 is my lucky number!

Me: Today was the greatest day of my life!

Internet Bum: Is it because of the beginning of Passover?

Me: No!

Internet Bum: Is it because of a full moon tonight?

Me: No!

Internet Bum: Is it because google finally released the long anticipated google calendar?

Me: As great as this was, it was only icing to the cake ;)

Today, I received a phone call from a certain Kevin Goeden, P.E. I was informed that I was chosen to fill one of the openings in the SDDOT bridge office! I am going to be calling to discuss more details (like start date) tomorrow morning. I can just make out SD over the mountains right now, lol.


Arnold said...

The man comes home...

O give me a home
Where the buffalo roam
And the deer and the jackalopes play
Where always is heard
A [bleep]ing cussword
And the skies are all snowy, cloudy, rainy, windy, sleety, dusty, humid, dry, scorching hot, and eighty below freezing and there's about one tenth of a person per square mile.

okay so that last part didn't rhyme, but it was pretty much true.


Andy said...

Congratulations, sir!

Now I've really got to start pressuring Garmin to open up a Sioux Falls or Rapid City office!

Benjamin Cutler said...

Where in SD would this job land you? Anywhere near the oh-so-flat land of Mitchell?

Patrick Wellner said...

the wonderfully centralized operations of the SDDOT keeps the Bridge office in Pierre.

Anonymous said...

Avast! Thar be treachery besetting the Washington land-seas with the removal of a gem-swine deck swabber such as Wellner. A curse on ye, South Dakota... A curse on ye...


Oh, Sorry. Evil Kannenberg must have somehow got into my PC. But anyway, Washington shall miss you!

Arnold said...

Isn't there a song on the radio like this?

"Bill Gates wants you back/The Sagebrush wants you back/Mt. St. Helens wants you back/The Space Needle wants you back/Bigfoot wants you back/The Spotted Owl wants you back..."