06 April 2006

My Prison!

Well, I decided to give everyone a peak into my work life. Here is a pic of my cubicle:There is a second overhead bin on the right. Now let the comparisons begin ;) I am sure most of you, or at least those of you not in the public sector, have nicer work areas, but we at WSDOT pass the savings on to the roads! ... ;) LOL, that was pretty good. I almost typed it with a straight face.


Arnold said...

I can just barely make out what that Post-it on the left says...

"Burn 60 more acres of old-growth forest for new parking lot."

Patrick Wellner said...

You better get your eyes checked... it says freeway not parking lot ;)

Andy said...

Actually, your office looks much nicer than mine. I still have big bulky monitors.

Benjamin Cutler said...

You get two monitors? I've only got one (a big bulky one). At least it's a 21 inch...

Here's the problem: I usually have several programs open. One (sometimes two) instance(s) of VS2005, Outlook, Firefox, sometimes an instance of Word (or two or three), the Windows Services manager (part of the program I work on runs as a service, so I have to start it every time I need to test and stop it whenever I need to build), Microsoft SQL Management Studio, and periodically an instance of the program I am working on.

Andy said...

"Here's the problem: I usually have several programs open."

Um, yeah, single tasking died with DOS.