10 March 2006

End Move

A number of weeks ago a friend of mine posted about his recent Settlers of Catan victory. Well, this morning (I love flex scheduling!) I managed to win a game by dropping 6 points in one turn! That's right 6 points! Early in the game I was slightly discouraged as the bandit was blocking some of my numbers... so I bought development cards in hopes of a common soldier. But after three development card purchases, I gained 3 victory points! I felt ok about my position in the game at that point. The leader had 6 and I was only two points back. Well, I eventually bought another development card and lo and behold: it was a rare monopoly! The boomstick of development cards! Three rounds after I drew the monopoly card, there was 12 clay out (including mine)... I took the opporturnity and "yoinked" all of them. I was then able to build a road, settlement, and another road.
The settlement brought me up to 5 points and the last road gained me Longest road (2 points). I was then at 7 points and just happened to have 3 victory points in my hand... GAME, PAT! I have to admit that the blue player knew I was stronger than I let on and did contiue to (at least tried to) bandit me throughout the whole game. I suppose a stack of 3 or 4 dev. cards is intimidating ;)

[Edited to Add] Here is another screenshot.

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