26 March 2006

Not so random wanderings!

Well, I went on another one of my blog-famous outings and I discover that Yakima no longer need to fear the wendigo until next winter (hurrah)! The canal, the wendigo uses to access the town, is now filled with water for the summer.

I finally found some good hiking and mountain biking trails. They are all along Cowiche Canyon. I began the "roll" down to the canyone bottom, but this trail is best suited for hiking due to the large rocks and steep grade. So I turned around (further down than the pic shows). I plan on hiking it next weekend; I am not as crazy on a bike as I am on foot or in a kayak ;). There are trails along the top though that are nice for biking. Normal lanscape for this part of Washington, notice the devil's vegetation, sagebrush:
Looking southeast (towards glorious SD), you can see part of Yakima. I nearly edited this pick to show a SD flag in the background, but I managed to resist (a first!).

1 comment:

Benjamin Cutler said...

Terrain looks a lot better than around here.