09 March 2006

what about the pineapple?

I recently made so-called random comments on a couple of blogs. Well, those comments are part of my promotional scheme to spread awareness of a terrific CBS show called How I Met Your Mother. This show has proven to be my favorite comedy every week this winter.

The show is about a group of friends in NYC (now, the similarities to Friends ends here). Two of them, Marshal and Lily, are engaged while Ted is seeking his soul mate. Barney enjoys his single life and continually tries to get Ted to enjoy it too. Robin is Ted's ex-girlfriend (she remianed friends with him).

There are many memorable quotes from the show...
Barney: "Ha-ave you met Ted?"
This is Barney's method of finding a girl for Ted... He goes up to any girl in a bar (dragging Ted along) and asks the question as an icebreaker for Ted.
Doctor: All set. She says she'd like to see the knights of the poorly constructed round table?
Marshal and Ted pull a pair of swords from their wall and begin to "fight" for the apartment. Marshal ends up on the coffee table (that a flashback reveals is glued together not screwed), it breaks and he accidently stabs Lily as he falls.
Ted: Vomit free since '93!
Apparently, Ted hasn't vomitted since 1993!
Lily: You're playing hockey. With a basketball... and tennis rackets?
Marshall: It's BaskIceball, the greatest game ever. We invented it. it's Awesome!
Well, Marshall's family invented a sport... btw, he is from Minnesota.
Barney: [after Ted "suits up"] This is totally going in my blog!

Barney: You don't bring a date to a wedding, that's like taking a deer carcass on a hunting trip.

Lily: I wish we were ninjas!
A few self-explanatory quotes.
Robin: Have you met Ted?
Ted: I am the aforementioned Ted.
Girl: Cool, so what do you do around here?
Well... I... uh... I do nothing, absolutely nothing.
Robin fills in for Barney... and this conversation is just hilarious... I can see one of my friends saying the same thing as Ted, heck, I can see myself saying it!

More quotes

1 comment:

Andy said...

OK, I'm guessing those quotes are a whole lot funnier if you're watching the show.

So, based on that assumption, I might actually consider watching this if I can find a way that doesn't involve a TV. ;)