Have you noticed that alot of police dramas and thrillers reveal a pattern in crimes. The crime locations are plotted on a map and a recognizable shape or message is revealed. Or at the very least the next crime location can be predicted.
Well, this got me thinking. Is there a pattern... any rhyme or reason... in the locations that my college friends and I have ended up? Is fate and the universe trying to deliver us a message?
So I used
Google Earth to plot the locations on an image of of North America and used
Bentley PowerDraft to connect the points, looking for a pattern. I know, I know, I could have just used some paint program, but CAD programs are sooo much more fun. Yeah, I'm a civil ;)

This proved to be a difficult task. I spent hours upon hours trying to find a pattern from this... oh all right, it was more like half an hour. All I could come up with is that it looks vaguely like a handgun.

So, what sort of message is this sending? Something going to happen in the Seattle area? The midwest is going to invade the northwest (that would be sweet!)? I have no idea. Any ideas are welcome, just leave them as comments.
Looks like a pirate pistol. We're all going to become pirates and rove the seven seas. This isn't news.
Hey, this is the out-of-touch guy. Who ended up in Lakeville, MN?
I'm guessing Merchant ended up in Lakeville.
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