I have a friend
graduating this month and this morning we were discussing my graduation and his upcoming one. He is graduating with a degree in Microbiology (I think) but he started his college career at SDSMT as a Mechanical Engineering student. So we have alot of the same friends from SDSMT. Somehow we got onto the topic of interdisciplinary rivalry between different majors and between engineers and scientists. Apparently, the different colleges at his university have different colored gowns, this spawned our enlightened decision that it would be funny if one discipline was given a pink gown. To commemorate the conversation I found a picture taken after my graduation and gave this friend a pink shirt. How cruel am I? ;)

Actually, he looks good in pink... what do my female readers (if any) think?
Oh dear god. How horribly evil. I would have expected this from a scientist, but not a so-called "Civil" engin--wait. I would expect such a move from a civil engineer, who according to that one author are responsible for the downfall of civilization. Anyhow, it looks like I have to set the record straight.
a. I did NOT wear a pink shirt that day and I have never owned any pink articles of clothing in my life and
b. It's Microbiology and Biology With Molecular Specialization (why they don't just call it Molecular Bio I don't know). But I combined them into one degree called Mobiomicrobolologie.
Kind of reminds me of a Christmas light (and no, I'm not really sure why).
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