I am offering my services as a settlers guide, I will lead you to success! What are my qualifications you ask? Why, I am currently the 635th ranked settler (out of 41,922).

Not too bad huh? Keep me in mind the next time you are starting colony and competing with the neighboring colony. I will lead you to victory... your flag shall fly over the charred remains of their settlements! ;)
Interesting. My 1238th ranking, while not as impressive as a 635, still means that I'm in the 97th percentile of online Settlers players.
This has nothing to do with this post but I just wanted to point out that some public computers don't have your preciousssss Firefox and thus cannot view your blogs. Do you realize how annoying it is to have to wait until I get home to see what's happening, you frickin' software crusaders!:-)
P.S. yes I am too lazy to download it on slow public computers. Or as I like to call my condition "Not wasting precious life doing things that are stupid".
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